Wednesday, December 25, 2013

December 25th Second Update

The first update was done at 10:18am.  Nancy got up at 10:30......and was not doing well.  Her blood pressure was low, had a 102 temperature, and was very weak.  We headed for Holy Family hospital around noon.  By 7:00pm, she had XRays and other tests and was checked in for overnight.  The antibiotic may not be doing what it is supposed to, or she could have a blood infection so they did blood cultures looking for sepsis.  I have not been briefed on sepsis so I know very little about it  On a positive note, .  Nancy had Christmas dinner made by our friend Patsy at the hospital.   We see the doctors again tomorrow around 7:00am......  Hope to have more news tomorrow.......again, Merry Christmas!

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