Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 26th Update

Nancy had a good week last week. She had more energy and felt better than in months. Sunday, her left arm had pain and she had little energy. Yesterday we saw the Doctor. Best guess is there is an infection in her left arm from the surgery....so she is on strong antibiotics and will have scans and ultrasounds next Thursday. She is in good spirits this morning.

Will report again after we see test results. Thanks for all the great support!

Friday, October 15, 2010

October 15th Update

Out friend Mike who set up this blog calls this a journey. He is correct. We had two meetings yesterday as well as Nancy's infusion/treatment. The news is good. The most recent BONE/PET scans shwo no new cancer areas; the Doctor said it is stabilized. The blood tests show the cancer markers are down. The burns from radiation are healing. So it appears the treatments of the last 14 months have been effective. The cancer is not gone but, for now, looks to be under control.

Nancy will continue the Femara (daily pill for estrogen inhibitor) and Zometa (monthly for bone builder upper). Both have side effects of some joint paint...Nancy has some new supplemental meds to try to make her more comfortable.

Thank you all for wonderful support.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

October 10th update

Nancy is now completed with Radiation, and our next appointment there is after the first of the year! She had a PET/BONE scan Thursday. We will get the results at a Dr Anthony meeting this Thursday. Nancy is also scheduled for Zometa.

She is still really tired, but healing has started on the burns. We are hoping she will gain some energy this week. Her hair is growing back....she looks good. We expect that Nancy will get some time of rest, just taking Femara daily, Zometa every 4 weeks, and scans every 2-3 months. We will let you know the results on Thursday.

As always, thank you for wonderful support.