Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December 31st update

Nancy met with the eye Doctor this am.  He believes there is no new cancer in the front of her eye.  The irritation is caused by radiation and chemo.  He did prescribe drops and some steroid gel for the night....but was not optimistic this would help much.  Also, we are starting home IV's today.  Happy New Year, we wish you all a wonderful and healthy 2014!

Monday, December 30, 2013

December 30th update

Nancy had her Doctor's appointment today.  Her numbers were basically ok so they gave her an 80% dosage of Kadcyla.  She also had Zomeda.  They are changing to IV antibiotics daily given at home starting tomorrow.  Also, Nancy's eye is not doing well.  They had an MRI of her eye tonight.  Tomorrow we see an eye specialist.  The back of the eye appears ok but the front of the eye is not right.
Hopefully tomorrow we learn more about this and get a game plan to improve. 

Nancy is having a great visit with her sister Sharon........Happy New Year!  Also, Nancy has a birthday on Thursday........no way will I say how many years!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

December 28th update

Nancy came home yesterday afternoon.  She will get a portable oxygen setup today.  The fever never came back but the oxygen levels were not always in range.  Our next appointment is Monday at 1:00.  We are hoping for a restful weekend; Nancy's sister Sharon arrives tonight for a visit.  Thank you, BC

Friday, December 27, 2013

December 27th update

Nancy's first night in the hospital was restless and her fever was 102.5.  We met with Dr Anthony Thursday morning and here was the update:  Nancy is on 2 new antibiotics (Levaquin and Cefepine), then added (Deflucan) to attack any possible fungal blood issues.  The sepsis results will be back later today (Friday).  Best case, Nancy will come home tonight. 

Nancy will get better from the pneumonia if the 2 new antibiotics work.  The other meds are for possible blood infection issues. The fever must stay normal and her oxygen levels must be over 90% without her getting additional oxygen. Those are the 2 main targets.   The goal is to get her home and back on chemo treatment next Monday.  We hope you had a blessed Christmas.......Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

December 25th Second Update

The first update was done at 10:18am.  Nancy got up at 10:30......and was not doing well.  Her blood pressure was low, had a 102 temperature, and was very weak.  We headed for Holy Family hospital around noon.  By 7:00pm, she had XRays and other tests and was checked in for overnight.  The antibiotic may not be doing what it is supposed to, or she could have a blood infection so they did blood cultures looking for sepsis.  I have not been briefed on sepsis so I know very little about it  On a positive note, .  Nancy had Christmas dinner made by our friend Patsy at the hospital.   We see the doctors again tomorrow around 7:00am......  Hope to have more news tomorrow.......again, Merry Christmas!

December 25th update

Merry Christmas!  Nancy did not have any treatments yesterday.  Her platelets were too low for the Kadcyla.  All was delayed until Monday.  She will hopefully have a restful and healing Christmas and resume treatments next week.  Enjoy this wonderful day!

Monday, December 23, 2013

December 23rd update

Nancy had a low key weekend....developed a cough and had a low grade fever Saturday.  This morning she was very weak.  She was scheduled to have PT at noon........and Melissa showed up, took her vitals and call Dr Anthony.  Her rested heart rate was over 135 and oxygen was less than 85%.  We were sent to the Doctor.  Nancy had labs, then EKG and a scan of her lungs.  She has pneumonia.  She had over 2 hours of IV's and got to come home tonight.  We have another appointment tomorrow at 11:30.  She is scheduled to have her second dose of Kadcyla tomorrow....we shall see.  We wish you all Merry Christmas.........and thanks for all your support. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

December 18th update

Nancy had another review today.  The initial report was the scans were ok....meaning nothing worse than before.  Further investigation by the radiologist show some small improvement in Nancy's right eye (the largest mass is a little smaller now).  The left eye had some pressure but they believed that caused by a sinus infection that was just starting.  So they gave Nancy strong antibiotics thru IV to start and should nail this infection before it gets any momentum.  They are also restarting Nancy on Nomenda, a drug for the brain.  Finally, they will start to decrease the steroid on a slow ramp.  Overall, the summary is that Nancy is slightly improved.  The 2 concerns are the eyes and her short term memory.  Next Tuesday we get the second dose of Kadcyla......and around dose 3 we should hopefully see more improvement. 

Thanks to all for support, and Merry Christmas from us both!

Monday, December 16, 2013

December 16th update

Nancy had her appointment today.  Most of her labs were ok or within the range.  The platelets were still low so she went to Holy Family and had 2 units of platelets (IV).  Also, Nancy's left eye now as well as her right eye are not right.  She also had MRI's of both her brain and an Orbital Scan that scans the eye areas. We left the hospital a little after 9:00pm.  Our Doctor's will have results tomorrow and we will review at our next appointment on Wednesday.

Our family celebrated Christmas on Sunday........it was a wonderful time for Nancy (and all).  More updates on Wednesday..... 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

December 15th update

Nancy had a new set of labs on Friday.  The two pints of blood on Thursday corrected many of the lab issues from Wednesday.  However the potassium was still low and she had almost 5 hours of IV drip for that.  She did not receive platelets on Friday.  They did another CT Scan of her head.  The concern was swelling but the scans appeared ok.  We go back in again Monday for a 1:30 appointment.

Our family is together now and today we are celebrating Christmas!  Merry Christmas to all!!!!!!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

December 12th update

Nancy had labs yesterday and they were not good.  Her potassium was really low and this morning she is getting 2pints of blood.  Tomorrow we go in for more labs and updates.  More info tomorrow. Thank you!

Friday, December 6, 2013

December 6th Update

Nancy had the first infusion of the Kadcyla Wednesday afternoon.  She was there for a few hours to make sure no big reactions took place.  Yesterday Nancy was tired and some aches.....and today some better.  This is a very strong drug and it appears that Nancy is doing ok.  We are now on the new program.  Her next appointment is next Wednesday.  Have a great weekend!

Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2nd update

Met with Dr Anthony today.  Nancy's labs were somewhat low.  She is basically down one pint of blood due to the last few weeks (normal for brain radiation).  She may get that pint on Wednesday.  Also, we got insurance approval about 5 minutes before our appt...........so on Wednesday she starts Kadcyla.  This treatment is once every 3 weeks.  Typically that means a tough few days followed by a couple of weeks of feeling pretty good.  The med will treat the head and the body, so the Lapinatib is no longer needed.  Dr Anthony has 2 other patients on this med......and both are doing well. The recent scans show the cancer is very active......we need this to work well.  

Also, Nancy has had home care visits for Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy.  PT is exercises that she does twice per day.  OT is about how to get in and out of the shower, personal stuff.  Both visits gave Nancy some great tips.  Also, we got a lift chair that is both a lounge chair that can eject you....Nancy now can get out of this chair without help. 

So things are better than a few weeks ago..........we hope the radiation keep radiating, and the new med is effective.  Support has been nothing short of incredible.......thank you all!