Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30 update

Wow, a full day!  Nancy had her echocardiogram this morning and results were very good.  We spent this afternoon at our Doctor's......and we have a plan.  The lumber puncture will be done here Thursday morning in the Valley, under sedation.  Results will be to the Docs Friday end of the day.  We have ordered the new meds for Nancy to start next Monday.  They are Herceptin, the HER2+ drug of choice, and Lapitinib.  Herceptin is once per week and Lapitinib is a daily pill.  Herceptin attacks the cancer.  The brain has many natural protective barriers so the Lapitinib actually allows the Herceptin to go around those barriers and work in the brain.  All this will be co-approved by Matt at Evergreen in Seattle.

We reviewed the MRI's.  Nancy has cancer spots on both layers of her skull, in the brain, and the biggest spot by her eye.  Also C1 and C2 have cancer.  Radiation on her brain if off the table for now except possibly the eye.  This will be watched closely.  Also, possible cancer chemo treatments directly into the brain is also off the table for now. 

There is no question that Nancy has a real challenge here. The cancer has been in her breast, lymph nodes, bones, liver, skin and now her brain.  However this new drug is FDA approved and Steve knows of cases where this has been very effective.  So we are hoping for the best......thanks for all the support, BC

Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 29th update

Nancy went into the Doctor on Wednesday to see if she could get something to help her energy.  They made a couple of adjustments in her meds.  Friday she was no better so we visited again.  She still had no energy and her right eye was still not right.  It was determined to have a PET scan of her head.  Initially, there was no findings, then further review from the radiologist showed some differences to her previous scan.  The next step was an MRI scan of Nancy's head Friday night at 10:00 at Holy Family.

The results were expedited and the news was not good.  The cancer has changed to HER2+.  We knew that.  What we did not know is that it was agressive and had spread to her brain.  Nancy has cancer in the bone of her skull, on her brain, next to her right eye and in the top 2 vertebrae.  Nancy had no symptoms other than the eye to detect this.  She has not had a headache in 2 months.  This weekend she is to rest.

Monday we start with an echocardiogram.  The probable new treatments are very hard on the heart and the echo results are important.  Then we visit Dr Anthony for an update.  We know another test, a lumbar puncture,  will also need to be done before they can determine treatment.  It is possible we will have this procedure done in Kirkland and also meet with the Doctors there to have 2 opinions on what to do next.

We will do our best to keep this blog updated.  Your support and prayers are appreciated. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

September 23rd update

Nancy had her appointment with Dr Anthony.  All her labs were good.  Nancy did not get any treatments.  She will have Zomeda on Wednesday and resume chemo next Monday.  Nancy's eyesight has been hampered by the steroids.  Also, she lost weight last week and another 2 pounds since last Friday.  She was too weak to start the chemo today.

Looking forward, she will have 6 chemo treatments (2 cycles of 3 weeks on, one week off).  There will then be a full series of scans.  Then right around Thanksgiving, Nancy will start a new medicine treatment as her cancer has fairly dramatically changed to HER2+.  Dr Anthony has at least 3 FDA approved drugs to try.  He will base the final decision until the scans are done. 

It could be another few weeks before Nancy is recovered from post radiation tiredness.

Your support is great........we have a new plan.......and hoping for the best!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

September 21st update

Nancy was not supposed to have a Dr appointment this week.......but Friday she had to go in.  Nancy had very little energy from 3 things: 1) steroids 2) after radiation effects 3) the amount of pain meds she had been on.  So, they decreased the steroids ramp (you have to gradually have to come off steroids) and decreased the Fentanyl or pain meds she was taking.  There is nothing to do but wait when it comes to post-radiation tiredness.  Hopefully starting this morning she will gain some energy.  Good news, no real pain.  We see Dr Anthony and will discuss the changes to the cancer and future new treatments.  Have a great weekend!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

September 14th update

Friday Nancy completed the radiation therapy on S2.  We then went to Dr Anthony's office and had a review.  It was determined that the pain medication system was no longer needed.....which is good news.  Nancy now has no scheduled appointments until Sept 23rd.  Hopefully she can rest as the radiation makes you very tired.  Your support continues to be wonderful, thank you!

Monday, September 9, 2013

September 9th update

Nancy had her Doctor appointment today.  No chemo was given.  Her labs were good.  The genomic tests are now back and she is positive for Her2Neu.  That is what Dr Anthony was hoping.  The cancer has changed and this gives him the most options to treat Nancy.  This will not change anything in the near term.  Nancy will have radiation this week, a break, then the same chemo for some period of time.  We will learn more about Her2 in the next few weeks......but this is good news.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

September 3-7 update

Nancy started the week (Tuesday due to the holiday)  at Dr Anthony's.  After labs and review, they chose to give Nancy a chemo treatment.  Wednesday Nancy had the MRI of the S2 area.  Thursday she then met with Dr Call and he confirmed that the S2 needed treatment (The concern is that if they did not radiate that this nerve pressure could become permanent).  So they got her set up with a fitting for the radiation (2 more spot tatoos).  They set up a schedule for 10 treatments (daily except weekends) starting Tuesday, Sept.10th. By the end of the day Nancy was in bad pain again, so Thursday night she was hooked to a portable pain med machine.  Friday morning she was still in too much pain so we visited Dr Anthony's to get the machine cranked up a little.  After further review and discussion, the decision was made to start radiation Friday afternoon at 5:30 Nancy had her first treatment.  It was also decided to double the amount of radiation and be done in 5 treatments.  Nancy resumes treatments on Tuesday and ends Friday Sept 13th. This weekend Nancy has rested and the pain machine is doing a good job. 

This is the hardest couple of weeks Nancy has had in some time.  Both Cindy Lupton and Patsy Enkema have been unbelievable support and help.  Thank you!

Monday we start at Dr Anthony's for a review.  No chemo now until after radiation.  It is possible the genomic testing results will be done.  Then Tuesday-Friday at 2:30 daily she will have radiation.  The week  of Sept 16th (in theory) Nancy will have no scheduled medical appointments.

Thanks to all for wonderful help and support.