Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 31st update

Nancy has completed over 1/4 of her radiation treatments....so far, it has gone well. We are just seeing signs of her tiring a little more. Her Mom and Dad, Todd, Ally, Keeton, and Mike are all here to celebrate Todd's 31st birthday. Nancy has another full Doctor meeting with Dr Anthony on Sept 16th, and meetings with the Seattle Doctors Towbin and Lonnergan on Sept 27th. That is the Monday after Mike completes the 60 mile cancer walk in Seattle. Thank you all for super support, BC

Friday, August 20, 2010

August 20th update

Nancy had two Doctor appts yesterday. We met with Dr Anthony's group and had a Zometa treatment. All Nancy's numbers were stable. We then went to Nancy's first radiation treatment. That took about two hours. It was not painful, but mentally very challenging. Today is session two, which should be closer to 20 minutes (appt at 3:00). Weekends are "off" for radiation. Monday and Tuesday appts are at 3:00, and then future appts are at 11:30am. Again, this goes for 6 weeks.

Nancy's Mom and Dad arrive Monday afternoon for a visit.

Thanks to all for your support....BC

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 16th Update

Nancy had her "fitting" for radiation yesterday. The staff was super. Her first treatment will be Thursday, she goes in at 1:00 and will have treatment around 2:30 or 3:00. they need to get it all dialed in....then Friday it is supposed to be like 20 minutes. We do not have Friday's time yet.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

August 15th update

Today Nancy was sent flowers by her son Mike, who is 26 today. He said he thought she was there when he was born!!!! Go figure....

Friday Nancy got a call to have MRI's on her back. There were 3. These were done before radiation starts..... Nancy has had more pain..... so they wanted to do the additional MRI's. We see Dr Anthony on Thursday.... and start radiation the same day. Lots happening, we will keep you updated. Thanks for the wonderful support.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

August 5th Update

Yesterday was interesting! It was Nancy and my 37th wedding anniversary. It was also one year exactly since Dr. Tobin told Nancy "you have cancer". Yup, both on the same day! Made for an interesting day of conversations. Thank you all for one year of unbelievable support....the next hill we need to climb is radiation.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August 3rd Update

Today Nancy had a review with Dr Lonergan (by phone). He and Dr. Anthony have been working together, they may add one more medication on a monthly basis. All the radiation plans have been reviewed and approved. Radiation has been delayed one week, so Nancy goes in for the "fitting" on August 16th, and first treatment will be August 19th. Nancy has been a little tired but feeling well.

Her next appointment is for Labs only Friday, the 13th.

As always, thanks again for all the support!