Friday, August 20, 2010

August 20th update

Nancy had two Doctor appts yesterday. We met with Dr Anthony's group and had a Zometa treatment. All Nancy's numbers were stable. We then went to Nancy's first radiation treatment. That took about two hours. It was not painful, but mentally very challenging. Today is session two, which should be closer to 20 minutes (appt at 3:00). Weekends are "off" for radiation. Monday and Tuesday appts are at 3:00, and then future appts are at 11:30am. Again, this goes for 6 weeks.

Nancy's Mom and Dad arrive Monday afternoon for a visit.

Thanks to all for your support....BC


  1. Nancy,
    You are in our prayers as you begin these new sessions. Enjoy time with your parents. We hope to come by in late September if all is well. Be blessed with comfort, peace, and healing. Love you.
    Jay and Mar

  2. Hey Nancy..Am always following the blog. You are always heavy on my heart and my prayers are with you as you begin this new journey. I am excited for your parents coming. Someone imparted these words to me sometime ago that I have taken to heart and I am passing them on to you..." your the timex girl, take a lickin, and keep on tickin girlfriend!" :)
    You are the example of great poise, grace and the sweetest spirit ever. Know you are so very loved by myself and so many. Love you and prayers always Judy
