Wednesday, December 18, 2013

December 18th update

Nancy had another review today.  The initial report was the scans were ok....meaning nothing worse than before.  Further investigation by the radiologist show some small improvement in Nancy's right eye (the largest mass is a little smaller now).  The left eye had some pressure but they believed that caused by a sinus infection that was just starting.  So they gave Nancy strong antibiotics thru IV to start and should nail this infection before it gets any momentum.  They are also restarting Nancy on Nomenda, a drug for the brain.  Finally, they will start to decrease the steroid on a slow ramp.  Overall, the summary is that Nancy is slightly improved.  The 2 concerns are the eyes and her short term memory.  Next Tuesday we get the second dose of Kadcyla......and around dose 3 we should hopefully see more improvement. 

Thanks to all for support, and Merry Christmas from us both!

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