Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 29th Update

Today we spent three hours with the radiation oncologist. Nancy will begin the process on August 9th with the fitting, they make a way to radiate the exact space every time...and on August 12th, Nancy will begin 6 weeks of daily radiation. Actually, it's only Monday-Friday. They are going to radiate the wall of her chest, where the lump was attached, and the lymph nodes area under her left arm, where we know the cancer had some level of spreading. There is no near term plans to radiate the spine or back area. Nancy will continue the Femara and Zometa treatments during this time.

They say to plan on seven weeks to get six done....there is a holiday, Nancy should be done the end of September. The first two weeks after radiation can also have some we need to plan to take it easy then. The side effects are usually being tired and some skin irritation.

This was our first real meeting on radiation, so I apologize for not knowing more about it. All plans will be reviewed by Dr Anthony, Dr Lonnergan, and Dr Towbin next week.

Thank you all for great support!

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