Friday, May 28, 2010

May 28th update

Yesterday Nancy had a long visit to Dr Anthony. She had her normal appointment with the Doctor, the chemo treatment, and her monthly Zometa treatment. It was over 5 hours... and yet it went well. All Nancy's numbers are in line....which is good after the week off. She slept well and had no headache. We are expecting some tiredness tomorrow.

There has not been a blog update for some time. Nancy has had a tough time with hair loss. Our son Todd shaved her head last weekend. She has two wigs....and looks absolutely wonderful. Speaking of last weekend, we travelled to Seattle and the Brennan's took us to Ten Grands, a concert featuring 10 Steinways on one was very cool.

We are also warned that the effects of chemo can be cumulative.... so it may get a little harder. We totally appreciate all the support....I wish there was a better way to say how good that support has been and how much it has meant. Happy Memorial Day weekend!

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