Sunday, January 5, 2014

January 5th Update

Nancy celebrated her birthday January 2nd. We took that day as a medical holiday (no appointments). On Friday we had a 2:00 with the Doctors. Mike and Nancy’s sister Sharon were also with us at this appointment. The blood draw for labs was routine. After review of Nancy’s low numbers (like platelets at 26,000) and her lack of strength, it was determined by the doctors that Nancy’s body could no longer take the treatments for cancer. Dr Anthony and Shanna Majors walked us through the logic and steps going forward for Nancy’s care. Arrangements were made to meet the next day with Hospice of Spokane. The cancer is no longer being treated and all efforts are to make Nancy as comfortable as possible. Nancy could have months or weeks left. Although no one knows, Anthony prepared us that this would likely be on the shorter end of that estimate. Nancy has been discussing the quality of life versus quantity of life since before Thanksgiving. She has been fighting this disease for four and a half years.

We met yesterday to sign up with the Hospice Rep. The first meeting with the nurse and social worker will take place early this week.

Going forward there will be an effort to balance Nancy seeing friends, family time, making arrangements for her wishes, and rest. We will try to support time with Nancy as best we can; however we are warned that her time will need to be very limited. Since the cancer will not be getting treated, her limited strength will be even more compromised. Please understand if we cannot schedule time for you with Nancy.

Nancy has very strong faith and knows where she is going. She feels blessed by all the wonderful support by our wonderful friends. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Bill & Nancy
    I understand your decision made is very difficult
    If I can be of any assistance
    please let me know
    Linda Heiser
