Monday, August 26, 2013

August 26th update

Nancy had her review with the Doctor today.  Note: the past week has been very hard for Nancy; needing IV pain meds twice and no energy at all.  After review, here is the status:

-the biopsies all came back positive, which means the breast cancer has now spread to the skin and in more than one area.  (Had it been in one area, radiation was a possible treatment...that is now off the table).  This means the treatment for the skin must be for her whole system.

-the PET scan results were back and there are 2 new spots of cancer, a new one in the liver and a spot on a right-side rib.  The cancer is active.

-The genomic testing to see if the cancer has changed structurally is not done yet and may be another week.

-Dr. Anthony restarted Nancy today on the same chemo she was on 2 months ago.  There is a recommended lifetime amount one should take of this med and Nancy will be exceeding that amount after 4 more treatments.  This drug has been around a long time and Dr Anthony has done this before under these circumstances.  Nancy needs the cancer less active and the skin treated now.  So here we go again, 3 weeks of one treatment per week on, then one week off. 

-Nancy felt good about this plan.  She was relieved to get going again on treating the cancer. 

-No firm date was established for the how long we will be on this plan.

-All her lab numbers were in range.

I hope this makes sense, and thanks for all the wonderful support!

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