Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February 12th Update

Nancy met with the Doctor yesterday.  Here are the changes from yesterday:
-The treatment will be 3 weeks on, one off.  Nancy had her second treatment of this cycle yesterday (one day early) as they wanted her on a Monday schedule.  She will have another treatment Monday the 18th, then have the week of Feb 25th off.

-The next check on the tumor markers will be on the March 4th appointment.  The results take about 3 days after the blood draw so we should know about the general cancer activity on March 7th or 8th.

-The next scan will be the last week of March or the first week of April.  This is when we will see and the Doctors can analyze the activity levels in the liver. 

Nancy's main side effect is to be very tired.  Your support has been special.  Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. hello again Nancy
    You are such a strong person
    I am confident you will recover
    we have a lot of gossip to share!
    Linda Heiser
