Tuesday, February 12, 2013
February 12th Update
Nancy met with the Doctor yesterday. Here are the changes from yesterday:
-The treatment will be 3 weeks on, one off. Nancy had her second treatment of this cycle yesterday (one day early) as they wanted her on a Monday schedule. She will have another treatment Monday the 18th, then have the week of Feb 25th off.
-The next check on the tumor markers will be on the March 4th appointment. The results take about 3 days after the blood draw so we should know about the general cancer activity on March 7th or 8th.
-The next scan will be the last week of March or the first week of April. This is when we will see and the Doctors can analyze the activity levels in the liver.
Nancy's main side effect is to be very tired. Your support has been special. Thank you!
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
February 6th update
Nancy started treatments yesterday afternoon. We were able to get the echo-cardiogram at 11:30 on the South Hill and got the call to come in at 3:30 for her initial dose. This medicine is to be taken once per week (no weeks off). Nancy will lose her hair over the next 4 weeks or so. We will have more of a review with the Doctor's next week. Yesterday the key was to get started.
The scan to show progress in treating the liver will around 6-9 weeks away. We know there will be some other baseline checks (like another echo, etc) coming up. Nancy has been very tired.
She enjoyed homemade soup from Patsy last night. Thanks to all for your support.
Monday, February 4, 2013
February 4th update
Nancy was to start treatment this morning, however the insurance denied the use of Halaven. So.......
they are now trying to get approval for Adriamyacin. We have not done homework on this one until we know we will be taking it. Also, this drug requires first an echo-cardiogram baseline (this drug can cause heart issues). They are trying to set the echo up now. Hopefully this can be done tomorrow.
Will try to keep you updated as we learn more. It has been a hard day of waiting for Nancy.
Thanks for the support.......
Friday, February 1, 2013
February 1st update
Had a full review today with Dr Anthony. The cancer is very active in the liver. Nancy will start an IV chemo treatment starting Monday. The medicine is called Halaven which is the brand name for eribulin mesylate. Nancy gets her first treatment at 8:45 Monday. The schedule is two weeks on, one week off. There is only one treatment each week. Treatments will go for the next 6 months. There will be another scan in 9 weeks to make sure this is going after the cancer in the liver. On a positive note, the cancer in her bones is mostly the same; some spots worse, others a little better.
Your support has been incredible. Thank you all.
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