Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August 18th update, treatment begins

Nancy had great news today, no chemo, no radiation at least for now. Her first treatments are done. Her daily regimine will be Femara, the estrogen inhibitor. Every four weeks, she will have an IV treatment of Zometa, a phosphotase that helps to build up bones. She had her first IV of that today. The next scheduled treatment is Sept 21st here in Kirkland.

This was the best news we could have given the circumstances. The oncologist wants Nancy to not put stress on her back and spine..... steps one at a time, no heavy lifting, no bike riding, etc. Walking is good.

Tomorrow or the next day, Nancy will add her own words to this blog, with her thoughts and prayer requests. She will also cover the possible side effects for the meds she is taking.

The only real bad news was Brett Favre signing with the hated Vikings!!!!!!

Thank you for your calls, cards, thoughts and prayers.


  1. First of all, you are in our thoughts and prayers on a daily basis. What a tremendous shock you have had. My heart goes out to you. And on a personal level,what a wake-up call for those of us who have put off yearly exams.
    Thank you for your blog, a very courageous thing to do to keep everyone updated and as an inspiration for others who may be facing challenging events as well. Fight the FIGHT! and please let me know if there is anything I can do for you :)Soni

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