Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 5th update

Nancy had a complete review with Dr Anthony yesterday. Here is what he believed happened: September of last year, our insurance no longer would cover Femara due to cost, so they made us change to generic Femara. All generics typically have some differences in how they are made, how they are absorbed, etc. Most of the time, that does not change results. In Nancy's case, it does appear that it did change the results. Nancy's cancer came back or "spiked". When she went off all drugs for 5 weeks to prepare for the trial, the cancer "settled down" again. The only variable was the change to generic Femara. So, Nancy will go on real Femara for the next 90 days and we will have another review. This is good news as the side effects on real Femara for Nancy were minimal. Thanks to all for great support.